Web Development

What is Web Dev.?

Exploring the tools

Basic Photo Editing

building your website

Uploading your website online


This course is intended to teach students the fundamentals of web development in a project-based learning environment. For this course you do not need any kind of Background , we will teach you from Scratch. The Course focuse on the Front end of the part of the Web Development since this is the part when you know you can lanch your own website. For the course you will need a Code Editor , you will find our pernsoal prefrence below, and we will provide the Photoshop and Illustrator softwares.By the end of this course you would have applied all what you have learned and build your website and uploaded it online.


In this course, we will mostly talk about the front end web development skills and a few back end techniques. We will be covering topics like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Editing using Photoshop, Illustrator and finally WordPress. We will spend most of the time talking about JavaScript.


Week 01

What is Web Dev.?

Going over the fields, concepts, terminology of Web Development.

Intro. to HTML and CSS

Getting comfortable with HTML and CSS.

Intro. to JavaScript

Getting comfortable with JavaScript.

Deep dive into HTML and CSS

Diving in to the commands and elements of HTML and CSS.

Week 02

Deep dive into JavaScript

Diving in to the commands and Syntex of the language.

Putting it all together

Applying what you learned to build your Website.

Essential Editing tips

Learning how to remove Bk, Color Adjustments and more.

Week 03

Uploading your Website

Uploading your Website online and making it accessible.

Basic WordPress

Brief Introduction , and an overview on how to use it.

Essential for the course

For this course you will need a code editor, our personal prefrence is Visual Studio code. This is the editor we will be using for this course. Click on the link Microsoft Visual Studio , and it will take you to the download page of the editor. Make sure you are standing on "visualstudio code"

Hover over "Download Visual Studio Code" , chose your operating system , and It will then download automatically.

Feel like taking a Quiz?

Some Rules of this Quiz
1. You will have only 15 seconds per each question.
2. Once you select your answer, it can't be undone.
3. You can't select any option once time goes off.
4. You can't exit from the Quiz while you're playing.
5. You'll get points on the basis of your correct answers.
Awesome Quiz Application
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Want to try your code?

Code Editor